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Braunstone Evangelical Free Church

Rev Peter Allen

Usually known as Pastor Pete


Contact Details

Phone: 0116 2291523



At What Hour was Jesus Crucified?


By Dave Miller, Ph.D.


One allegation levelled by Bible critics is the difference that exists between Mark and John in their reporting of the hour of the crucifixion (McKinsey, 2000, pp. 295-296; Wells, 2013). Mark records that the Lord was crucified at the third hour (15:25), while John records that Jesus was tried before Pilate at the sixth hour (19:14)—which would seem to be after the time Mark says Jesus was crucified. The harmonization of this surface difference is quite simple and further underscores the sophistication of Bible inspiration.

Living as we do in the 21st century, we fail to remember or recognize that time has not always been reckoned the way it is today worldwide. We are able to calculate quickly the time anywhere in the world. For example, if it is 9:00 a.m. in Montgomery, Alabama (which is on Central time), it is 10:00 a.m. in New York City (which is on Eastern time), 3:00 p.m. in London, and 12:00 midnight in Sydney, Australia. Not so in antiquity. The ancients used a variety of systems by which they reckoned time.

An article from Apologetics Press website.

To continue reading this article please follow the link to the Apologetics Press website. Link

The Case of the Empty Tomb

By Kyle Butt, M.Div.


Around the year A.D. 165, Justin Martyr penned his Dialogue with Trypho. At the beginning of chapter 108 of this work, he recorded a letter that the Jewish community had been circulating regarding the empty tomb of Christ:


A godless and lawless heresy had sprung from one Jesus, a Galilaean deceiver, whom we crucified, but his disciples stole him by night from the tomb, where he was laid when unfastened from the cross, and now deceive men by asserting that he has risen from the dead and ascended to heaven.


In approximately the sixth century, another caustic treatise written to defame Christ circulated among the Jewish community. In this narrative, known as Toledoth Yeshu, Jesus is described as the illegitimate son of a soldier named Joseph Pandera. He further is labeled as a disrespectful deceiver who led many away from the truth. Near the end of the treatise, under a discussion of His death, the following paragraph can be found:


A diligent search was made and he [Jesus—KB] was not found in the grave where he had been buried. A gardener had taken him from the grave and had brought him into his garden and buried him in the sand over which the waters flowed into the garden.


To continue reading this article please follow the link to Apologetics Press website.

Devotional Thought

The Song of Solomon is possibly a somewhat neglected book of the Old Testament. 

Its theme is as old as the world itself, that of the deep and passionate love of a young married couple. 


My late father loved the Old Testament Scriptures and had no hesitation in seeing a deeper meaning in the chapters of this short book. Namely the love between Christ and his redeemed people - the church. 

The Apostle Paul writes to the Christians in Ephesus.


"Husbands, love your wives just as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for her, that he might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that he might present her to himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish."


The love of Christ for you and me surpasses the deepest and tenderest love of any human relationship and nothing in heaven or on earth can separate us from divine love.


Sadly Solomon went on in later years to love many women, forsaking the love of his youth.


God's love and care for us is steadfast and will take us safely to our eternal home.


Not surprisingly my dad had inscribed on my mum's tombstone words from the Song of Solomon found in chapter 2.

"Rise up my love, my fair one and come away." 

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Latest audio Sermons from Braunstone BEFC (Link to Sermons)

During lockdown, several of our Sunday morning sermons were pre recorded and broadcast on our YouTube channel. To access our YouTube channel please follow this Link, or you can access them via our website by following this Link

Church History Braunstone EFC

We have recently started gathering information with regards to our local Church history (Braunstone Evangelical Free Church). Whilst it’s difficult to gather this information owing to the fact that most of the original founders of this work are now with the Lord and not many records were kept other than Church meeting minutes, we are fortunate however to have a few of the originals remaining with us. Hopefully we will be able to glean as much information as possible from their earliest memories.

To visit our Church History section please follow this Link

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Emmanuel Christian School Extension Project

Emmanuel Christian School is housed within our local Church (Braunstone Evangelical Free Church).
The School is ever expanding, and new plans are afoot to move the current portacabin onto the foundations, along with adding two smaller portacabins to make way for a classroom, staffroom and headteachers' office. This also includes creating a new playground area for the pupils.

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You can view their future plans by following this LINK to their website

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